Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pride and Pork by S. D. Grady

Author:  S. D. Grady

List Price: 1.99
Published:  May 30, 2015
ISBN # 978-1-61292-150-1
Word Count: 10,073
Genres/Categories: romance, humor, parody, horror

Warning: Zombie Pigs!

For every young lady must be in want of a sturdy pig spear.

Lady Victoria is serving as hostess for the Harvest Dance in Barrow’s Heath. All is well under the full moon, until the roast pig careens around the ballroom not quite dead. Faced with a terrorized village and fainting mother, our young miss fights off the plague of zombie pigs in order to reach the safety of her betrothed's manor. However, Lord Attleby is far more interested in his brandy than assisting the tiny town. Victoria must gather together a band of pig-slaying villagers in order to save their home and to salvage her future.

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